Our Story
Anchorage's population grew as a result of the influx of military families and support industries after World War II and the Korean Conflict. First United Methodist Church on the Parkstrip was the only Methodist church in Anchorage and was bursting with worshipers. So there was a need to establish another Methodist church and new subdivisions were going up on the east of the downtown area, mostly to house military families. These neighborhoods were canvassed to see who would want to attend a Methodist church nearby and enough people signed up to start a congregation in 1954. Money was secured to start construction on the main building, then an education wing was added in 1963, and the west wing was added in 2004. Membership has ranged from a low of 78 in 1954 to a high of 399 in both 1968 and 1994. Polynesian people, most from Tonga, established a fellowship in 1978 and have contributed greatly to the life of the church. Service to the community has benefited Bean's Cafe, Clare House, F.I.S.H., Alcoholics Anonymous, Boy and Girl Scouts, and many other groups and individuals over the past 50 years.
Larry Hayden, Historian
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